26 — 04 — 2013

Canticle of the sun

A while ago I came across the »Canticle of the Sun« also known as »Laudes Creaturarum« (Praise of the Creatures) of Saint Francis of Assisi. It was originally written in the Umbrian dialect of Italian but has since then been translated into many languages. It is believed to be among the first works of literature, if not the first, written in the Italian language. I started to illustrate characters of the canticle and finally decided to do a series of all seven characters. In the following now the first two: »Frate Sole« (Brother Sun) and »Sora Luna« (Sister Moon). More on the way!

illustration of sister moon

illustration of brother sun

31 — 01 — 2013

Brother Sun

Today I got a little spare time. So I started to illustrate. I am happy with the outcome. Again concentrating on color and shading. I Like the changing atmosphere that comes along with different colors. »Brother Sun« — the red one, is my favorite, I have to admit.

illustration blue
illustration blue
illustration blue and colored
illustration brown
illustration white
illustration red

29 — 01 — 2013

Less wires

New setup

I love my new setup. Less wires, more space. Love the plant!

24 — 01 — 2013

New Year — It is a brand new year

…well very belated but no less honest and heartfelt i wish you all a happy new year. I have updated my work section a bit and put up a photo of me in the »about« section. So you all know what I look like. Don’t hesitate to contact, say hello and stop by if you are close. We make awesome coffee at our office at Büro 5&30 and love to meet people. Stay tuned for some more fresh work soon.

09 — 11 — 2012

Signs & wonders


Our professional home finally has a name and a sign. Yeehaw!

11 — 10 — 2012

New juicy illustration

In the making. New juicy illustrations. Getting to know and love the Wacom.

the office